Monday, November 29, 2010

God loves you!

This is always GOD’s answer to your doubts today and always!
Many of us doubt how much God loves us. Many of us
Ask Jesus… how much do you love me?
And that question has always been answered in so many ways a hundred times or more!
Jesus would always reply," I love you this much." and he stretched his arms to the cross and died for us.
…not only were HIS arms stretched to the cross, HE even embraced our flaws, our imperfections, our needs, our concerns, and our sufferings in whatever form they may be!
It did not stop on the cross. It goes on even after death.  HE was risen! Meaning, His love for us goes beyond everything! Even death could not stop Him from showing His love for us.
The moment we give ourselves to GOD, surrendering ourselves to HIS will, we become HIS children.  And as we continue to live in accordance to HIS will, we will always be HIS! Letting HIM into your life means complete obedience to His wonderful plan.  But that doesn’t mean we have to be puppets!  We are given the freedom of choice.  The freedom to choose between good and evil.  It’s either you want to live a good life and enjoy the rest of the awesome blessings of God for eternity… or live an evil or bad life enjoying the wealth of this world that only lasts a lifetime and then suffer forever after death.  This is all up to you.
Now, don’t put to waste what God has done to save you. Don’t take for granted the chances that HE has been giving to save you. Act now! Choose to do that which pleases GOD!  HE tremendously loves you that’s why HE has been doing things in your life to remind you that there’s more to life than this world is offering you. WAKE UP! Before it’s too late.  It’s your choice whether you want to live a life worth living for or a life of emptiness.
It’s up to us whether we choose the foolishness of this world that will lead us to destruction … or the amazing love of GOD that is at all times waiting for us.  Yes! GOD is waiting for us with an open arms!  We just have to run to HIM and HE’ll accept us as we are.  HIS love would be so great that it would transform us little by little … day by day… until we’re a complete masterpiece of HIS almighty hands.  Just think of how great HIS love is that it’s able to make an amazing miracle out of each one of us!
Now, imagine how beautiful everyday would be if we learn how to live a life in Christ. 

Just to give you a picture in your mind …
Every morning you wake up with a happy smile on your face. Every person you meet and work with loves you. Every moment’s filled with joyful thoughts, enjoyable conversations, good deeds that have a lingering effect in your heart, blissful happiness that lasts, warm embraces of the people around you, and love that never ends! It does not end there. After a restful night of sleep, comes another day to look forward to… another week … another month … another year …and so on! You’ll experience GOD working out His astonishing plans for you.
So, why wait and waste every moment. Let GOD be the artist of your life! Let HIM paint you a breathtaking picture of your life now!

" For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. " - John 3:16 (New International Version, ©2010)

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Wonderful Realization

I was drowning myself in fantasy…
Hoping for it to come into reality…
Then, God woke me up in my deep slumber…
When I opened my eyes…
There were no more tears to cry…
My heart was feeling numb of pain.
All I could feel was serenity…
And an infinite joy I could never explain.
The fear of losing what I hold dear in my heart was all gone.
I have given it all up to Him.
The only thing that mattered to me now …
… is what He wanted me to do.   - Vienace

" You will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7